MS. JOHNSON IS EXCITED about the new challenges and opportunities she will face as she begins her first year at NTCA in the fall of 2022. She is excited to meet all the scholars and parents. She is looking forward to all the experiences we will have this year in the Lord!
She is a graduate of UWM (University of Wisconsin Milwaukee), Middle Adolescent 1-8th grade Education with a minor in Science and History. She has had experience with being a
teacher’s assistant, mentor, lead teacher and director of summer programming for over 17 years.
She enjoys traveling (has been to Ethiopia in Africa) and spending time with her family. She loves teaching. She definitely does not see it as a job but as her passion and ministry! She looks forward to building relationships with both the scholars, parents that will challenge her and inspire her in her continued growth for the future.
She is most excited to teach the scholars about the importance of identifying the purpose God
has for them and enhancing their academics. She believes her students are going to have a great year!
Some of Ms. Johnson's favorites include:
Color: Gold
Food: Tacos, Chocolate Chip Cookies
Hobbies: traveling, hiking, swimming, and roller skating
“Happy Place”: Fresh Flowers and Peanut M&M’s
Family: Older sister Lydia and younger brother Andre, she is the middle child