STEM is our focus on preparing NTCA students for careers in the field of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. We also recognize STEAM as an additional focus on the Arts. We believe the Arts help to spark the imagination and creativity which naturally align with their STEM learning.
As part of the New Testament Christian Academy STEM program, students helped to plant trees with a team from the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District (MMSD). The students learned that trees help to capture and absorb water. They create oxygen, homes for animals, and beauty for our neighborhood. Furthermore, planting trees assists with the carbon dioxide problems that contribute to climate change. Representatives from New Testament Church, New Testament Christian Academy, MMSD, and Alderwoman Taylor were present for a dedication ceremony.
NTCA hosted a Black History Career fair and made headlines on CBS 58 News. We are so proud of our students, families, and teachers who brought together an awesome STEAM Fair.